Shift Manager is a tool aimed to control the smooth flow of shifts for a company (auxiliul pvt ltd).
Shift Manager is a tool aimed to control the smooth flow of shifts for a company (auxiliul pvt ltd).
Everything about shift i-e shift's timing, shift's status, shift's approval, shift's list are connected with each other and clearly shown on dashboard
Export your precious data into beautiful PDF or EXCEL reports.
every functionality about shift is user's friendly and mentioned through charts and graphs
Staffs can retrieve SIA report on dashboard
viewers can see Weather of the current time
Shifts along with respective sites, start time, end time, status and staffs are listed in tables.
Its easy to see whats need to be done, and who is working on it
On smartphones, tablets and web the managers will have full controll
Admin, Controller or Company can assign task in TODO list
viewer can see number of staffs and sites that are active
Calender is used to create shifts.
You can assign and unassign shifts in calender.
An ongoing Shift can cancelled or edited here.
you can see Shift's status i-e pending, started, finished, approved and cancelled from here.
Shift's start time, end time and total hoursof shift can be seen in calender.
calender also shows Site against shift and to whom (staff) it is assigned.
Permission section control all the permissions (authorities) in this application i-e which company controller can do what?.
Permissions manage CRUD actions(create, read, update, delete) of site, staff, clients and contractors.
permissions can manage login credentials password and email for staff.
It manages company controllers to have or to not have permissions to view payrate, profit, site reports, client reports, staff reports, contractor report, checkpoint report, schedual vs timesheet, report, action history , shift list etc
You can retrieve data and informations about shift, client, staff, contractor in Reports.
In client reports you can have report list of all shifts against that client.
you can see report of all shifts against a staff.
In site reports you can see report list of all shifts against that site.
you can see report of all shifts against a contractor.
In SIA checks when we enter SIA number we will get all data about an SIA member (who's SIA number is entered)
SIA report shows list of all SIA members with thier data .